Our $100,000 commitment to koala care on World Wildlife Day

Our $100,000 commitment to koala care on World Wildlife Day Hero Image

Last year alone, WIRES received almost 900 calls to rescue sick, injured, orphaned and displaced koalas. 

Many were collected in WIRES ambulances and taken to the nearest vet, then, if needed, transported to the WIRES rehabilitation centre in Hawkesbury in northern NSW.

On World Wildlife Day today, we’re proud to donate $100,000 to WIRES towards a much-needed second koala facility in Campbelltown in south-west Sydney.

The centre will significantly reduce travel time for koalas needing urgent care, such as Coco (above) who was so disfigured by chlamydia, one of the leading killers of koalas in NSW, she couldn’t see.

Thanks to the rescue and care she received from WIRES, Coco was given a second chance and has now been successfully released back into the wild. 

WIRES Chief Operating Officer Kyla Shelley said the new facility would provide the best care to sick, injured and orphaned koalas for generations to come.

"We're so grateful to The Lott for their generous donation to support the rescue and rehabilitation of koalas in south-west Sydney,” she said. 

“As koalas are listed as endangered, increasing the number of koalas that we can successfully release back into the wild may be critical for the long-term survival of the species.”

With koalas facing the risk of extinction, we’re happy to extend our support for WIRES for another year.

“There’s nothing more special than spotting a koala in its natural habitat, and it’s vital that we do everything possible to safeguard these unique animals,” our Partnerships Manager Liz McPherson said. 

“(WIRES’s) work is essential, and we take great pride in helping their mission to protect koalas.” 

Find out more about their wonderful work here:  

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